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Do you want to master the art of performance?


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In my 50 years of experience performing and teaching voice. I have noticed one thing that tends to separate a good performance from a great one. It’s not technique though that is very important, nor is it the range or power of the voice. No, the thing that makes a performance memorable is presence.

Presence is difficult to master, because it is so intangible. It is conversation without words, told in the face and body language of the performer and in the dynamics of their voice as they turn a song into a story.

Whether its opera or pop, soul or country, jazz or rock, Presence is what makes the music tactile to the audience, what invests them into the world of the song and transports them, just for a moment, into a new and exciting realm.

This is what I teach, not only how to improve your voice, but how to present it to an audience. How to control the room with a glance and movement of your hand. When to hold back and draw them closer and when to shake the rafters and blow them away. How to turn a melody into an escape, enrapturing the audience into a world of beauty.


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Wondering why you're not reaching the next level?


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It’s more than just singing a song. It’s telling a story. That’s why I’m putting my professional performing & coaching experience to work for you, to help singers discover and develop their skills and guide them to their true voice.


I have worked in show-business for over 50 years, both on stage and in the recording studio, with credits including Disney Resorts, Film, TV, Stage, Jazz Concerts, and a three-year engagement as a lead-singer of the Serendipity Singers with performances on five continents.

As a teacher the focus is on developing vocal range and style using your whole body as the instrument.


In my experience adjudicating talent competitions in my home of Edmonton, Alberta, I’ve seen many times what a good performance from a great one. Very often the factor that sways the position of the judge’s panel, is not the raw quality of the singer’s voice, but how successfully they have drawn the audience into the story of the song.


I love a challenge and recently competed in the reality show Bathroom Divas- So You Want To Be An Opera Star to further expand my range.

Are you ready for a challenge? Is it time to awaken your Voice?


I'd love to hear from you!

Get in touch with me on Facebook to book an appointment via Skype!

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